Frequently Asked Questions

About BoltWX

Hikers, climbers, mountaineers, skiers, guides, kayakers and more - if you're in the mountains and need reliable forecasts, BoltWX has you covered.

BoltWX provides global forecast coverage, with forecast models varying depending on your location. The table below shows the regions supported by the different models.

North American users will receive either the NAM (USA) or RDPS (Canada) forecasts by default. If you are outside the area covered by a specific regional model, BoltWX will revert to a comparable model if available, or will fall back the Global Forecast System model to ensure that you receive a forecast.

Global Forecast System (GFS) model
Coverage: Global
Period: 3.5 days (sampled from full 16 day GFS forecast)
Resolution: 28km
Publisher: US National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Official Website: NOAA Global Forecast
HRDPS Continental model
Coverage: Continental USA (Note that some parts of Alaska northwest of Juneau are not supported)

Canada except for Arctic
Period: 2 days
Resolution: 2.5km
Publisher: Canadian Goverment Department of Environment and Climate Change
Official Website: Environment & Climate Change Canada
HRDPS 1km West model
Coverage: Canada: Limited parts of Western British Columbia and Alberta
Period: 2 days
Resolution: 1km
Publisher: Canadian Goverment Department of Environment and Climate Change
Official Website: Environment & Climate Change Canada
High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model
Coverage: Continental USA
Period: 18 hours
Resolution: 3km
Publisher: US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Official Website: NOAA HRRR model
Regional Deterministic Prediction System (RDPS) model
Coverage: Continental USA
Canada (including Arctic)
Period: 3.5 days
Resolution: 10km
Publisher: Canadian Goverment Department of Environment and Climate Change
Official Website: Environment & Climate Change Canada
North American Mesoscale (NAM) model
Coverage: Continental USA. Note that some parts of Alaska northwest of Juneau are not supported.

Canadian lower provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes)

Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala
Period: 3.5 days
Resolution: 12km
Publisher: US National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Official Website: NOAA NAM model
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates: West: -136.6
East: -49.0
South: 12.1
North: 58.0

See spatial coverage of the NAM model under the "Time & Location" tab on the NAM model official website.

BoltWX will work with any device that supports SMS messaging, and has been thoroughly tested with Garmin InReach®, ZOLEO™ and ACR Bivy Stick™ devices. See the FAQ items below for information on how to use BoltWX with these devices.

The service will also work with phones that can access satellite networks, such as Apple iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 devices with iOS 18. More devices and systems will be added in future.

Motorola Defy devices are not supported as they require messages to be sent through the Bullitt app.

Getting Started

Receiving a BoltWX weather forecast is as simple as subscribing to the BoltWX service and sending a message with your access code and GPS coordinates to your BoltWX access number.

Setup varies slightly across different brands of devices - see below for instructions for your device.

BoltWX forecasts include weather for the next 3 days and are formatted to fit in a single message.

Forecasts use either metric units (meters, km/h, degrees Celcius) or Imperial units (feet, mph, degrees Fahrenheit) depending on the Unit Preference setting in your user profile. To identify whether a forecast is in metric or imperial units, look at the units of the model altitude at the top of the forecast (e.g. NAM 1000m or NAM 3280ft). Precipitation intensity and cloud cover abbreviations use the Observation Guidelines and Recording Standards (OGRS) method.

Below is an example of a typical BoltWX message with the translation beside it. Download the BoltWX Message Translation Reference Sheet here (JPEG image format) and save it on your phone to refer to in the backcountry.

Message Translation
NAM 1000m NAM forecast model at a model elevation of 1000m
Su11p 12*HvRn!SW25|Ovc Day Time Temperature Precip Lightning (!) Wind Direction & Speed | Cloud
Mo5a 12*SW25|Clr Monday 5am 12°C, no rain, winds SW 25 km/h | clear skies
Mo2p 15*LtRnSW10|Sct Monday 2pm 15°C, light rain, winds SW 10km/h | scattered clouds
Mo11p 4*MRnS15|Bkn Monday 11pm 4°C, moderate rain, winds S 15km/h | broken clouds
Tu5a 1*FzRnS30|Ovc Tuesday 5am 1°C, freezing rain, winds S 30km/h | overcast
Tu2p -1*HvSnS15|Ovc Tuesday 2pm -1°C, heavy snow, winds S 15km/h | overcast
Tu11p -4*X+SnSW40|Ovc Tuesday 11pm -4°C, extreme snow, winds SW 40km/h | overcast
We5a -1*PelS15|Ovc Wednesday 5am -1°C, ice pellets, winds S 15km/h | overcast
We2p 4*LtRn!E50|Bkn Wednesday 2pm 4°C, light rain, lightning, winds E 50km/h | broken clouds
We11p 9*SW20|Clr Wednesday 11pm 9°C, no rain, winds SW 20km/h | clear skies

There are three error messages you might see:

  • No GPS location detected: The message you sent to BoltWX did not include GPS coordinates in the decimal degrees latitude/longtitude format. For example, coordinates should be sent as (44.81637, -64.33601). This format is the default on InReach® and ZOLEO® devices. You may need to wait for your device's GPS to establish its location before sending the message.

    Solution: Check that your satellite device is set to include GPS coordinates in SMS messages (this function is disabled by default on InReach devices). See the Quickstart Guide for full instructions. You may also need to wait for your device's GPS to establish its location before sending the message.
  • No access code detected: A valid subscriber code was not found in the message you sent. To use BoltWX, subscribe to the service to receive an access code. Make sure that code in the message is contained between two hashes, for example #User123# This code must be included in messages sent to the BoltWX service to validate your subscription.

    Solution: Make sure that you are entering your access code in the message, and that it is contained between two hashes, for example #User123#. Double check your access code by logging into your BoltWX account.
  • Message limit reached: To prevent spam from bots, BoltWX limits each user to 5 messages per hour and then stops replying.

    Solution: Wait one hour for the block to be lifted, at which point normal service will resume.

Advanced Features

You can request a specific weather model by including the relevant keyword below at the beginning of your message to the BoltWX service. Ensure that the keyword is in capital letters and has a space after it. For example, your message should read: HRDPS #ACCESSCODE# (50.12135, -111.12345).

If you do not specify a model, BoltWX will default to the NAM forecast model. If you are outside the area supported by the model that you specified, BoltWX will try to send you a model of comparable detail. If no comparable model is available, it will resort to the global GFS system to ensure that you still receive a forecast.

Model Name Keyword
Global Forecast System (GFS) GFS
HRDPS Continental HRDPS
High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) HRRR
Regional Deterministic Prediction System (RDPS) REDPS
North American Mesoscale (NAM) NAM

You can request a forecast for 1, 2 or 3 day timeframes by including the keyword "1DAY", "2DAY" or "3DAY" in your message to BoltWX. For example, your message should read: 1DAY #ACCESSCODE# (50.12135, -111.12345).

BoltWX will choose the most detailed forecast model that has data covering the requested timeframe. If you do not specify a timeframe, BoltWX will default to a 3 day forecast. Note that it is not possible to specify both a timeframe and a weather model in the same message.

Timeframe Compatible models
1 Day HRDPS 1km West, HRDPS Continental, HRRR, RDPS, NAM, GFS
2 Day HRDPS 1km West, HRDPS Continental, RDPS, NAM, GFS

BoltWX provides access to US and Canadian avalanche forecasts for when access through official forecast channels is unavailable. You should always check the official US or Canadian forecast before you enter the backcountry. You agree to use the BoltWX forecast at your own risk (see the BoltWX terms and conditions for our disclaimer about avalanche forecasts). Avalanche forecasts are only available in winter.

To receive an avalanche forecast, include the phrase "AVALANCHE" in your message. For example, your message should read: AVALANCHE #ACCESSCODE# (50.12135, -111.12345)

Below is an example of a typical BoltWX avalanche forecast with the translation below it. The forecasts include both the Danger Ratings and the Snowpack Problems. Download the BoltWX Avalanche Message Translation Reference Sheet here (JPEG image format) and save it on your phone to refer to in the backcountry. Terminology used in the forecasts is the same as Avalanche Canada terminology. See the Avalanche Canada glossary here for more information.

Note: Previous versions of BoltWX used "AVYCAN" or "AVYUSA" for requesting forecasts. Both of these keywords will still work.

Sample Avalanche Message
Mo:CML 300m
Tu:HCM 1500m
We:XHC 2500m

Daily danger ratings and freezing level

Snowpack problems and details
See translation details below
Danger Ratings
Message Structure Day: Alpine Rating, Treeline Rating, Below Treeline Rating, Freezing Level
Rating Levels & Abbreviations Low (L)
Moderate (M)
Considerable (C)
High (H)
Extreme (X)

Special Ratings
Early Season (ES)
Spring Conditions (Sp)
No Rating (None)
Freezing Level The daily average freezing level in metres above sea level.
Message Examples
Mo:CML Monday: Considerable, Moderate, Low
Tu:HCM Tuesday: High, Considerable, Moderate
Snowpack Problems
Message Structure Type: Elevations, Aspects, Probability, Size
Problem Types & Abbreviations Storm Slabs (StmSlb)
Wind Slabs (WndSlb)
Wet Slabs (WetSlb)
Persistent Slabs (PerSlb)
Deep Persistent Slabs (DePerSlb)
Loose Dry (DryLoo)
Loose Wet (WetLoo)
Cornices (Cornice)
Problem Variables & Abbreviations
Elevations Alpine (ALP), Treeline (TLN), Below Treeline (BTL), All Elevations (AllElev)
Aspects North to South (N-S), West to East (W-E), All Aspects (AllAsp)
Aspects are always described most-Westerly to most-Easterly (i.e. left to right)
Likelihood Unlikely (Unli), Possible (Poss), Likely (Li), Very Likely (VLi), Certain (Cert)
Size Size 1.5 to 2.5 (s1.5-2.5)
Message Examples
StmSlb:AllElev,AllAsp,Poss-Li,s1-2 Wind Slabs: All Elevations, All Aspects, Possible to Likely, size 1-2
WndSlb:ALP-TLN,W-E,VLi,s1-1.5 Storm Slabs: Alpine & Treeline elevations, West to East aspects, Very Likely, size 1-1.5
PerSlb:TLN-BTL,SE-SW,UnLi,s1-2.5 Persistent Slabs: Treeline & Below Treeline elevations, Southeast to Southwest aspects, Unlikely, size 1-2.5
BTL: AllAsp
US forecasts can include aspect info for multiple elevations
Wet Loose: Very Likely, size 1-2.5
Alpine elevations: South aspects
Treeline elevations: Southeast to Southwest aspects
Below Treeline: All aspects
Supported Avalanche Centers
USA Canada
Northwest Avalanche Center
Central Oregon Avalanche Center
Sawtooth Avalanche Center
Bridger-Teton Avalanche Center
Mount Washington Avalanche Center
Sierra Avalanche Center
Flathead Avalanche Center
Idaho Panhandle Avalanche Center
Payette Avalanche Center
Bridgeport Avalanche Center
Sawtooth Avalanche Center
Mount Shasta Avalanche Center
Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center
West Central Montana Avalanche Center
Wallowa Avalanche Center
Valdez Avalanche Center
Hatcher Pass Avalanche Center
Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center
All Avalanche Canada forecast areas are supported.

(Currently available in the USA and British Columbia, Canada)

BoltWX provides access to information about active wildfires near your GPS location for when access through official channels is unavailable. You should always check the official wildfire warning website for your area before you enter the backcountry.

Wildfire information is currently available for active wildfires in the USA and British Columbia, Canada, using data from the US National Interagency Fire Center (NIFS) and the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS). BoltWX is not endorsed by either service. Wildfires move quickly and data may not represent the current situation on the ground. You agree to use the information about wildfires provided by BoltWX at your own risk. See the BoltWX terms and conditions for our disclaimer about wildfire information, which you agree to as a condition of using the service.

To receive information about nearby fires, include the phrase “FIRE” in your message. For example, your message should read: FIRE #ACCESSCODE# (50.12135, -111.12345)

Wildfire messages return information for wildfires within 30km of your GPS location. Note that wildfire messages are not constrained to a single SMS message and will list all fires found. Below is an example of a typical BoltWX wildfire message with the translation below it. Messages use fire terminology defined by the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre glossary here (PDF file).

Sample Wildfire Message
Wildfires 30km radius
Fire N1234 (EVACUATION ORDER): Out Control, 8.1km W, 1037ha
Fire N2345 (EVACUATION ALERT): Being Held, 10.3km S, 487ha
Fire N3456: Being Held, 12.2km E, 234ha

Fire status, Distance from your location, Direction from your location, Fire size in hectares

Stay ahead of the weather on your next trip